Welcome New Patients.

Whatever your health goal is we are here to help. You are the key and the fact that you are starting the process to better health will make all the difference.

What to expect:

New patients may arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment to begin your new patient paperwork. Your visit will take 45 minutes to an hour. Dr. Julie will review your paper work and complete an exam to determine if Chiropractic care is the right option for you. You will often receive chiropractic care and therapies if needed the same day. Below is a PDF you can download, print, fill out, and bring in with you to your appointment. If you decide to finish this paperwork prior to your appointment feel free to arrive closer to your appointment time.

Insurance & Payment Options:

SSP Family Chiropractic works with many of the major insurance companies.  A few insurance companies we work with are BCBS, Health Partners, UCare, Medical Assistance and Medicare. We also offer wellness care, same day payment discounts and prepayment discounts for those individuals who do not have insurance or would prefer not to use insurance and pay the day of. If you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage or costs, give us a call! We’d be happy to assist in answering any financial questions you may have.

We look forward to helping you on your journey to better health. What are common things we help with?*

~Headaches ~Neck pain ~Mid back pain ~Low back pain~Sciatic pain ~Carpel tunnel ~Pinched nerves ~Muscle pain ~Pain with pregnancy ~Colic ~Ear or sinus pressure ~Car accidents ~Work comp.

— Dr. Julie SSPFamily Chiropractic